The Rulers dealing as if he hid himself, (1) he cometh to Bethania, (3) whereby occasion of Judas the thief murmuring at Mary Magdalen’s costly devotion, he foretelleth his death. (12) From thence, though they did now intend to kill Lazarus also, he rideth openly into Hierusalem, the people (because he had raised Lazarus) confessing with their acclamations that he is Christ. (20) Where certain Gentiles desiring to see him, (22) he foretelleth the conversion of the whole world from the Devil to him, to be now instant, as the effect of his death upon the Cross. (28) The Father also answering from Heaven to his prayer made to that purpose, (37) yet after all this, the Jews continue incredulous as Esay prophesied of them: (42) though many believed, but were ashamed to confess him. (44) Whereupon he showeth that it is glorious before God, and salvation to themselves to believe in him, and confess him: and damnable, to despise him.
Jesus therefore six days before the Pasch came to Bethania, where Lazarus was, that had been dead, whom Jesus raised. 2And they made him a supper there: and Martha ministered, but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him. 3 [a] Mary therefore took a pound of ointment of right spikenard, precious, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled of the odour of the ointment. 4One therefore of his Disciples, Judas Iscariot, he that was to betray him, said: 5 • Why was not this ointment sold for three-hundred pence, and given to the poor? 6And he said this, not because he cared for the poor: but because he was • a thief, and having the purse, carried the things that were put in. 7Jesus therefore said: Let her alone that she
Margin Notes
- intro. The 4. part.
- intro. The 4. Pasch, and holy week of his Passion in Hierusalem.
- 1–27. The Ghospel upon Monday in Holy week.
Margin References
- 1. Mat. 26, 6. Mar. 14, 3.
- 1. Palm sunday eve.