His Twelve also now preaching everywhere and working miracles. (6) Herod and all do wonder much. (10) After which, he taketh them and goeth into the wilderness: where he cures and teacheth, feeding 5000 with five loaves. (18) Peter confessing him to be Christ, (21) he on the other side foretelleth his Passion, and that all must in time of persecution follow him therein. (27) Whereunto to encourage us the more, (27) he giveth in his Transfiguration a sight of the glory, which is the reward of suffering. (37) The next day he casteth out a Devil which his Disciples could not. (43) Whom amidst these wonders he forewarneth again of his scandalous Passion. (49) And to cure their ambition, he telleth them, that the most humble he esteemeth most: (49) bidding them also not to prohibit any that is not against them. (51) Yea and toward such as be against them Schismatically, to show mildness for all that. (57) Of following him, three examples.
AND calling together the twelve Apostles, he gave them [a] virtue and power over all Devils, and to cure maladies. 2And he sent them to preach the Kingdom of God; and to heal the sick. 3And he said to them: Take nothing for the way, neither rod, nor scrip, nor bread, nor money, neither have two coats. 4And into whatsoever house you enter, tarry there, and thence do not depart. 5And whosoever shall not receive you, going forth out of that city, shake off the dust also of your feet [b] for a testimony upon them. 6And going forth they went a circuit from town to town evangelizing and curing every where.
7And * Herod the Tetrarch heard all things that were done by him; and he staggered because it was said of some: That John was risen from the dead. 8But of othersome: That Elias hath appeared; and of others: that a Prophet one of the old ones was risen. 9And Herod said: John I have beheaded; but who is this of whom I hear such things? And he sought for to see him.
10And * the Apostles being returned, reported to him whatsoever they did: and taking them he retired apart into a desert place, which belongeth to Beth-saida. 11Which the multitudes understanding, followed him and he received them, and spoke to them of the Kingdom of God, and them that had need of cure he healed. 12And the day began to draw towards an end. And the Twelve coming near, said to him: Dismiss the multitudes, that going into towns and villages here about, they may have lodging, and find meats; because here we are in a desert place. 13And he said to them: Give you them to eat. But they said: We have no more but five loaves and two fishes; unless perhaps we should go and buy meats for all this multitude. 14And there were men almost five thousand. And he said to his Disciples: Make them sit down by companies fifty and fifty. 15And so they did. And they made all sit down. 16And taking the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up unto Heaven, and c [c] blessed them; and he broke, and distributed to his Disciples, for to set before the multitudes. 17And [d] they did all eat, and had their fill. And there was taken up that which remained to them, twelve baskets of fragments.
18 * And it came to pass; when he was alone praying, his Disciples also were with him; and he asked them saying: Whom do the multitudes say that I am? 19But they answered, and said: John the Baptist; and some, Elias; but some, that one of the Prophets before time is risen. 20And he said to them: But whom say ye that I am? Simon Peter answering, said: The Christ of God. 21But he rebuking them, commanded that they should tell this to no man, 22saying: That the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the Ancients and chief Priests and Scribes, and be killed, and the third day rise again.
23And he said to all: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. 24For he that will save his life, shall lose it; for he that shall lose his life for my sake, shall save it. 25For what profit hath a man if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, and cast away himself? 26For he that shall be ashamed of me and of my words, him the Son of man shall be ashamed of, when he shall come in his majesty, and his Father’s, and of the holy Angels. 27And I say to you assuredly: There be some standing here that shall not taste death, • till they see the Kingdom of God.
28 * And it came to pass after these words almost eight days, and he took Peter and James and John, and went into a mountain to pray. 29And while he prayed, the shape of his countenance was altered: and his raiment white and glistering. 30And behold two men talked with him. And they were Moyses and Elias, 31appearing in majesty. And they told his decease that he should accomplish in Hierusalem. 32But Peter and they that were with him, were heavy with sleep. And awaking, they saw his majesty, and the two men that stood with him. 33And it came to pass, when they departed from him, Peter said to Jesus: Master, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moyses, and one for Elias: not knowing what he said. 34And as he spoke these things, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them: and they feared, when they entered into the cloud. 35 * And a voice was made out of the cloud, saying: This is my beloved Son, hear him. 36And while the voice was made, Jesus was found alone. And they held their peace, and told no man in those days any of these things which they had seen.
37 * And it came to pass the day following, when they came down from the mountain, there met him a great multitude. 38And behold a man of the multitude cried out, saying: Master, I beseech thee, look upon my son because he is mine only one. 39And lo, the spirit taketh him, and he suddenly crieth, and he dasheth him, and teareth him that he foameth, and with much ado departeth renting him. 40And I desired thy Disciples to cast him out, and they could not. 41And Jesus answering said: [e] O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you and suffer you? bring hither thy son. 42And when he came to him, the Devil dashed, and tore him. And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the boy, and rendered him to his father. 43And all were astonished at the might of God; and all marvelling at all things that he did, he said to his Disciples: 44Lay you in your hearts these words, for it shall come to pass that the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men. 45But they did not know this word, and it was covered before them, that they perceived it not. And they were afraid to ask him of this word.
46 * And there entered [f] a cogitation into them, which of them should be greater. 47But Jesus seeing the cogitations of their heart, took a child and set him by him, 48and said to them, whosoever receiveth this child in my name, receiveth me, and whosoever receiveth me, receiveth him that sent me. For he that is the lesser among you all, he is the greater.
49 * And John answering said: Master, we saw a certain man casting out Devils in thy name, and we prohibited him, because he followeth not with us. 50And Jesus said to him: [g] Prohibit not. For he that is not against you, is for you.
51And it came to pass, while the days of his assumption were accomplishing, and he fixed his face to go into Jerusalem. 52And he sent messengers before his face; and going they entered into a city of the Samaritans to prepare for him. 53And they received him not, because his • face was to go to Jerusalem. 54And when his Disciples James and John had seen it, they said: Lord wilt thou we say that fire come down from Heaven and consume ‘them’? 55And turning, • he rebuked them, saying: You know not of what spirit you are. 56The Son of man came not to destroy souls, but to save. And they went into another town.
57And it came to pass as they walked in the way, a certain man said to him: * I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest. 58Jesus said to him: [h] The foxes have holes, and the fowls of the air nests; but the Son of man hath not where to repose his head. 59But he said to another: Follow me. And he said: Lord, permit me first to go, and to bury my father. 60And Jesus said to him: Let the dead bury their dead; but go thou, set forth the Kingdom of God. 61And another said: I will follow thee Lord, but permit me first to take my leave of them that are at home. 62Jesus said to him: • No man putting his hand to the plough, and looking back, is apt for the Kingdom of God.
- ↑ To command Devils and diseases either of body or soul, is by nature proper to God only: but by God’s gift, men also may have the same: even so to forgive sins.
- ↑ A great fault to reject the true Preachers, or not to admit them into house for needful harbour and sustenance.
- ↑ Here you see that he blessed the things, and not only gave thanks to God. See Annot. Mark. c. 8, 7.
- ↑ The miraculous providence of God toward such as follow Christ into deserts, prison, banishment, or withersoever.
- ↑ Incredulity hindereth the effect of Exorcisms, and other miraculous power given to the Church.
- ↑ Desire of preeminence is a human infirmity often even among the good. Against which Christ teacheth humility, but forbiddeth not Superiority.
- ↑ There be some that follow not Christ precisely in life and doctrine, of whom we may make our advantage to the propagation of Christ’s honour and religion, when they do anything for the advancement thereof, of what intention soever they do it. Philip 1, 15.
- ↑ This man would have followed him for temporal commodities, and therefore was not suffered.
↑ 27. Till they see.) To the Apostles, that had to preach the Kingdom of God and to suffer so much misery for the same in this world, he would show his glory, and give them a taste of his own joyful state and of his Saints in Heaven, calling thither Moyses and Elias, that the Law and Prophets might be witnesses of the same. See the annotation upon St. Matthew c. 17, 2.
↑ 53. Face to go to Jerusalem.) The Samaritans were Schismatics from the Jews, and had a Schismatical temple in mount Garizim, of purpose to draw men thither from God’s temple in Jerusalem, where only was the true and as it were the Catholic service and Sacrifice unto God. Therefore they did not gladly receive our Saviour, because they perceived he was going to Jerusalem.
↑ 55. He rebuked them.) Not justice nor all rigorous punishment of sinners is here forbidden, nor Elias fact reprehended, nor the Church or Christian Princes blamed for putting Heretics to death: but that none of these should be done for desire of our particular revenge, or without discretion, and regard of their amendment, and example to others. Therefore St. Peter used his power upon Ananias and Sapphira, when he struck them both down to death for defrauding the Church.
↑ 62. No man looking back.) It is a dangerous temptation for a man that hath lost or left his goods for Christ, to look much back at them, and to remember with delight the pleasures and eases of this world. For it breedeth in him discontentment of the troubles and crosses that are incident to the state of such as fully follow Christ. In which case a man should ever look forward towards Heaven, and never backward to the world.
Margin Notes
- 1–6. The Ghospel upon Thursday in Whitsunweek.
- annot. 27. The Transfiguration.
- annot. 53. Schismatics.
- annot. 55. Desire of revenge.
- annot. 55. The Church’s severity.
- annot. 62. Looking back.
Margin References
- 1. Mat. 10, 1. Mar. 3, 13. 6, 8.
- 7. Mat. 14, 1. Mar. 6, 14.
- 10. Mat. 14, 13. Mar. 6, 31. Joh. 6, 5.
- 16. c ευλογησεν αυτους
- 18. Mat. 16, 13. Mar. 8, 27.
- 28. Mat. 17, 1. Mar. 9, 1.
- 35. 2. Pet. 1, 17.
- 37. Mat. 17, 14. Mar. 9, 17.
- 46. Mat. 18, 1. Mar. 9, 34.
- 49. Mar. 9, 39.
- 54. ‘them’ as Elias also did?
- 57. Mat. 8, 19.
- annot. 53. Joh. 4, 9. 3. Reg. 12, 17. Tob. 1.
- annot. 55. Act. 5.