…here used, for direction of the reader.
The numbers in the arguments of chapters, point of the verse, where the matter mentioned beginneth.
The numbers in the text, show the number of verses in the same chapter.
This mark • signifies that there followeth an Annotation after the chapter, upon the word, or words, whereto it is adjoined. The number also of the same verse is prefixed to the Annotation.
The letters is thus enclosed (a) show that there is an Annotation in the margin, upon that place. And when many occur, the first answereth to the first mark, the second to the second, and so forth. In like manner the citations of places in the inner margin, are applied to the authors alleged.
This form of a star (*) in the text or annotations, pointeth to the explication of some word or words in the margin.
Sometimes we put the Concordance of other Scriptures in the inner margin of the text.
We have also noted in the margent, when the books of holy Scripture (or parts thereof) are read in the Church’s Service, for their sakes, that desire to read the same in order of the Ecclesiastical Office.