Moyses (so called because he was taken from the water, as the name signifieth) was born in Aegypt, the son of Amram, the son of Caath, the son of Levi the Patriarch, and so of Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham. His marvellous delivery from drowning, his education, excellent form, singular wisdom, heroic virtues, rare dexterity in all affairs, and whole life most admirable, are gathered out of holy Scriptures, by St. Gregory Bishop of Nyssa, into a brief Summary, most worthy to be read, but too large for this place. He was born about the year of the world two thousand four hundred, long before all profane writers, yea before many of the Paynime’s false Gods, as St. Augustine declareth in diverse places of his most excellent book titled of the City of God. He lived in this world 120 years: Of which 40 were in Pharao’s Court as the adopted son of Pharao’s daughter: forty in banishment from Aegypt in Madian: and forty more he governed the people of Israel. His singular praises are also briefly touched in the last chapter of Deuteronomy, added by Josue, and in the book of Ecclesiasticus. He died in the desert, and was buried in the vale of Moab, so secretly that no mortal man knew his sepulchre, lest the Jews, who were very prone to Idolatry, should have adored his body with divine honour, for the greatness and multitude of his miracles, and for the singular estimation they had of him for the same.
Margin Notes
- Moyses, signifieth, taken from the water.
- The excellency of Moyses.
- His sepulchre not known to any man.
Margin References
- Exod. 6. Num. 26. 1 Par. 6. Joseph. lib. 2. Antiq. cap. 9. St. Aug. ser. 88 de semp. St. Greg. oracio in Lauden Basily Magni. St. Aug. lib. 18. civit. ch. 39. Deut. 34. Eccli. 45. Glos. ord.